We offer a full holistic health and wellbeing assessment of your needs, guiding you to the services you need and the aspects you can integrate into your life to improve your holistic health and mental wellbeing.
The wellness assessment is an hour long 1:1 session either online, or face to face, thereafter the following sessions are coaching sessions to support you with short term and long-term goals and how you will achieve your goals.
Having worked in the care industry assessing people’s needs for almost two decades my expertise is in quality, analytical assessment, coaching and support. I will work from a holistic perspective, eg health, identity, lifestyle, food, exercise, stress management etc. I do understand the challenges of life and mental health struggles.
Would you like someone to walk alongside you to help achieve your goals and intentions for your life and wellness?
Are you ready to make the positive changes you have so long desired?
If so, I am passionate about what I do, I have a wealth of experience and am highly skilled to offer these assessments.
The main goal is for you to not need me anymore, how that is achieved is by working together we will help you discover what you wish to achieve; establish your goals and intentions for your life and wellness.
I work from the perspective of “You are the expert in yourself”, and my role is not to tell you what to do or how to live your life – but rather to walk alongside you and support you as you make choices to live the best life for you.